Lochrin Defender SL3

Lochrin Defender SL3 is an innovative high security palisade fencing system designed and developed by Lochrin Bain. Using only 10 security fittings per panel with the ability to rake to uneven ground conditions the system is simple and effective.

After undergoing independent attack tests by BRE the patent-pending design entered into the RED BOOK successfully achieving LPS1175 Issue 8: C5 (SR3) rating. The unique construction has been designed to ensure a minimum delay time of at least five minutes, independently tested to defeat a range of attack methods including both hand tools and power tools.

More information

T: 01236 457333

Lochrin Works,
7 Limekilns Rd
G67 2RN
Cumbernauld, Glasgow
United Kingdom


LOCHRIN BAIN LIMITED where at stand IF.5646 on the 16-18 May 2023 at the ExCeL London where the co-located IFSEC, FIREX, Facilities Show and Safety & Health Expo events took place!

Lochrin Combi SL1

Lochrin Combi SL1

Lochrin Combi™ SL1 is our next generation security rated Palisade fencing, based on our patented Combi design where the vertical pales pass through the horizontal rails and are held in place with a bolt counter sunk into the front face of the rail.

The system is ‘Secured By Design’ and conforms ...

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Lochrin Combi SL2

Lochrin Combi SL2

Lochrin Combi™ SL2 is our very own industry disrupting SR2 rated fence system, developed using the unique and patented Combi™ design with the addition of some new high security features, allowing the fence to offer the same attack delay times as other systems at this level, with a product that is not only ...

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