Wide Horizons Aerial Photography & Surveying Specialists

Our professional team provide both traditional building surveying services and UAV surveying services for the built environment, utilities, agriculture and construction industry utilising qualified building surveyors and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s)

Wide Horizons has the capabilities to deliver detailed visual inspections and surveys of tall or awkward structures, commercial premises and historic buildings without the need for traditional access platforms. Information is collated with the use of our team of fully qualified CAA approved drone operators and reports and deliverables compiled to meet the clients individual needs.
This method, used alongside traditional ground based surveying techniques provides our clients with a far more comprehensive survey report for their commercial roof or entire premises.

Wide Horizons is also internationally recognised after gaining ISO 9001:2008 Certification and Safe Contractor Status

Office F108 The Atkins Building
Lower Bond Street

LE10 1QU
Hinckley , Leicestershire
United Kingdom

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